Employee Engagement in the Digital Workplace

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The work landscape has changed significantly in the past decade or so. Smartphones and widespread internet access have trained people to get information digitally delivered, on-demand – wherever they are and whenever they want it. The largest generation in the workforce, millennials, grew up with the internet, which has shifted their expectations and priorities to be quite different than those of their parents, and technology is behind a lot of what drives that. It’s worth noting that their children, called Generation Z or iGen, are growing up with smartphones and tablets, and they will be even more technology-focused than their parents.

As a result of this shift in expectations, the communications industry is now focusing on creating a more consumer-like experience for everything, from retail advertising to internal corporate communications. The idea is that the more communications efforts align with the way people are used to getting their information, they more they will use that channel, and the more “loyal” they will become.First Name

Employee Engagement in the Digital Workplace