Cybersecurity Through the CISO’s Eyes

In Q3 of calendar 2019, 451 Research undertook an independently conducted study, commissioned by Kaspersky, to explore the factors shaping information security from the perspective of the enterprise security leader. We surveyed 305 respondents who have senior or executive responsibility for cybersecurity in enterprises worldwide, with the findings revealing how the nature of cybersecurity – and security leadership – has evolved.

The study results point to the increased attention given to cybersecurity at the highest levels of corporate leadership. The input of senior security leaders is often sought proactively by an organization’s board of directors, in order to provide those guiding the business as a whole with strategic direction on mitigating risk exposure. Metrics and maturity in the business discipline of risk management have become far more significant to enterprise security management than in the past.

Cybersecurity Through the CISO’s Eyes