Capgemini Engineering along with it’s 5G partner ecosystem, has developed a cognitive 5G Medium Access Control (MAC), which is the fi rst in a series of activities planned as part of Capgemini’s Project Marconi. Project Marconi includes a series of innovations targeted towards realizing cognitive capabilities as part of Intelligent RAN Controller nodes. It utilizes Capgemini 5G ORAN RIC platform named RATIO along with Intel Flex RAN 5G Layer 1 implementation. The key idea is to enhance network performance in terms of spectral effi ciency, quality of service (QoS), and network resource utilization. The Marconi team demonstrated an approximate 15% improvement in network performance with intelligent 5G MAC scheduler and near-real-time on the RIC platform. NetAnticipate5G, along with Intel’s Analytics Zoo, running on Intel® Xeon® scalable processors, not only improved AI accuracy by 55% but also helped in reducing AI inference time to less than 1 msec (~ 0.56 msec). This combination of AI enablers provided over 41% improvement[1] in inference time , which is one of the critical requirement for such ultra-low latency and heighly reliable machine learning (ML) based solutions.
Intelligent 5G L2 MAC Scheduler